The Real Housewife of Cook County


* A daily review of all things fabulous according to Chicago's hottest housewife*

The Drama Continues…

Here’s what she had to say:

“I love Wendy Williams and cannot wait for her TV show to air!  Today, Johnathan; who was Kim’s (from The Housewives Of Atlanta) former publicist was on the show.  They were in a mutual confidentiality agreement, until Kim violated it by dissing her former publicist on a local Atlanta radio station last week.  He said Kim does wear a wig and never had cancer. He also said underneath the wig her hair is damaged from her bleaching processes and comes to her neck.  She sleeps around all the time with different men to pay her bills.  Big Poppa is Lee Mejar and his son plays on the reality show “The Hills”.  She used to be a stripper at Club Cheetah in ATL.  She only has her CNA license and was never a nurse, as she claimed on the show.  Kim uses the “N” word all the time!!! That shocked me, considering she hangs around a group of black women!  She is scared of the women on the show. He also spoke about Sheree.  She tried to get someone to rent her a house, just for the taping of the show because she was evicted.  She never got that money from her ex-husband because he is “broke”  too…lol…  Crazy!”

That is some mess!  It seems like everything that comes out of Kim’s mouth is a lie.  I remember thinking how great is was that she was a nurse and had a license that she could fall back on.  I should’ve known that wasn’t true, how many strippers actually pay their way through school??? I’m sure it exists somewhere but it’s like a dinosaur. You’re never gonna actually meet one!   The new season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta is scheduled to air on July 28th.   I can’t wait to see all the drama unfold.  Where the hell is Sheree gonna be living????  Maybe she’ll be able to get 3 hots and a cot from her gay boyfriend.  He’s been trying to ride her coattails all the way to reality stardom.  We’ll see what happens!

Don’t forget to watch The Real Housewives of NJ tonight at 11pm/10 central. These chicks are gonna be a trip.  They sound like they’re married to the mob.  If you saw the preview then you know what I mean. 

Click here to check out Jonathan’s anti-Kim site

Hear Kim and Kandi on Q100

*Muchos gracias to my girl Rai for hooking me up with the info, be on the lookout for her upcoming blog that will focus on empowering women and girls !

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